Archive For The “Mixed Media” Category
Album artwork for the Chicago heavy metal band, HEMI. Front and back covers. You can check them, and the new album out here:
Just finished up the album cover for Brian Butts’s new instrumental metal album, Ugly Sleep. If you can’t already tell from the artwork, his music is somewhere in the middle of a nightmare and an acid trip. You can listen and download the full album, streaming here:
Pablo Picasso once said, “Every act of creation, is first an act of destruction”. I began to think about my creative process and realized it was more about self-destruction. Reaching deep down inside your own head and trying to pull out something of substance. Struggling with temptations and darkness, avoiding creativity killers that seem so…
I’ve always struggled to find balance between being a 9 to 5 working stiff and a “free spirit, artist type”, the person I am in public and the person I am around friends and family. Somehow, the first argyle sweater I bought represented that to me. This painting really represents breaking out of that “rut”…